Tag Archives: RP2040

JeegVa44 ErgoZero Split Mechanical Keyboard

JeegVa44 ErgoZero Split Mechanical Keyboard

License: GPLv3

tags: Raspberry Pi RaspberryPi Raspberry Pi Pico RaspberryPiPico MicroPython


A split hand-wired custom Mechanical Keyboard based on the Waveshare RP2040-Zero.

My second keyboard designed from scratch, this time split.


  • 2x RP2040 (KMK on Waveshare RP2040-Zero), USB-C port
  • 44x switches
  • 2x TRRS breakout boards
  • 1x TRRS cable
  • 28x M2 5mm screws
  • 14x M2 10mm stand-offs
  • 4x M4 Low profile brass heat inserts
  • 4x M4 6~8mm Socket cap head screws
  • 8x 10mm Rubber feet
  • 46u Round hole female pin header
  • 3D printed case, plate, feet


I wanted a portable split keyboard with a gentle vertical stagger, sixth column available and four thumb keys.
I also wanted to learn more about proper CAD design, so this time I ditched Blender and I designed everything from scratch in Onshape.

Keymap (dev)




3D Model

3D model of JeegVa44 ErgoZero rev1 also available on:
Onshape: [Link]
Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5866262
Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/404303-jeegva44-ergozero-rev1

Some photographs and renders

AtreuSLB50+ Mechanical Keyboard

AtreuSLB50+ Mechanical Keyboard

License: GPLv3

tags: Raspberry Pi RaspberryPi Raspberry Pi Pico RaspberryPiPico MicroPython


A hand-wired custom Mechanical Keyboard based on the Raspberry Pi Pico.

Finally I had the time to wrap up my little side project started about three months ago, and I thought to share it here. Although inspired by the Atreus, I couldn't quite find the right compromise among the non-split ergo keyboards, so I decided to make my own.


  • 1x RP2040 (KMK on Raspberry Pi Pico), USB-C port
  • 50x switches
  • 1x SSD1306 128x64px 0.96in IIC OLED display
  • 2x EC11 rotary encoders
  • 1x EVQWGD001 rotary encoder
  • 1x Pimoroni IIC trackball breakout
  • 1x Active buzzer
  • 2x micro switches (bootsel, reset)
  • 3D printed case (5-10° tilt), plate, pcb


The design started from a semi-automated customised process by forking an OpenSCAD hotswap pcb generator repository, subsequently heavily worked on Blender. I had also added cutouts for per-key rgb, but in the end I gave up the idea of hand wiring the LEDs. At least in this version which, for me, has been an insightful experience.
I am slowly finalising the firmware configuration and I will eventually put it on github as usual. Wiring diagram and key layout will come along later.


[Coming Soon]



3D Model

3D model of AtreuSLB50+ rev1 also available on:
Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5458679
Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/262446-atreuslb50-rev1

Some photographs

Pico Motorcycle Dashboard

Pico Motorcycle Dashboard

tags: Raspberry Pi RaspberryPi Raspberry Pi Pico RaspberryPiPico MicroPython

Status: Currently under development.

A Motorcycle Dashboard based on the Raspberry Pi Pico and the Pimoroni Pico Display Pack.


  • Raspberry Pi Pico
    • Main control board
  • Pico Display Pack
    • Input:
    • Button A
    • Button B
    • Button X
    • Button Y
    • Output:
    • 240x135 px IPS display
    • RGB LED
  • Sensors
    • Built-in temperature sensor
    • (internal ADC on pin 4)
    • DS18B20 Temperature sensor
    • (currently up to 3 in parallel)
  • Work in progress
    • Connection for Battery/Fuel/Rpm readings

Wiring Diagram

Breadboard - Full diagram


Breadboard - Display directly mounted on the back of the Pico (not shown)






  • A: Go to next (Battery) screen
    • If pressed again within 3 seconds,
      cycle through all the screens
  • B: Cycle Brightness presets
  • X: Select Multiple or Single Temperature mode
  • Y: If Multiple (*) or Single (**) Temperature mode:
    • Cycle Temperature sources (**)
    • Cycle bars style (*) (globally)
  • X+B: Cycle Colour palette
  • Y+B: Show Info scroll banner (hold)



  • A: Go to Home screen
  • B: Cycle Brightness presets
  • X: Continuous / Discrete battery representation
  • Y: Cycle Graphics style
  • Y+B: Show Info scroll banner (hold)



  • A: Go to Home screen
  • B: Cycle Brightness presets
  • X: -
  • Y: Cycle Bars style (globally)
  • Y+B: Show Info scroll banner (hold)



  • A: Go to Home screen
  • B: Cycle Brightness presets
  • X: Cycle Temperature sources
  • Y: Clear history for the current temperature source
  • Y+B: Show Info scroll banner (hold)



  • A: Go to Home screen
  • B: Cycle Brightness presets
  • X: Cycle Ramp style
  • Y: Cycle Bars style (globally)
  • Y+B: Show Info scroll banner (hold)



  • A: Go to Home screen
  • B: Cycle Brightness presets
  • X: Update Configuration file
  • Y: Reset uptime
  • X+B: Reset Configuration file
  • Y+B: Show Info scroll banner (hold)

A Practical Introduction to the Raspberry Pi Pico

A Practical Introduction to the Raspberry Pi Pico

tags: Raspberry Pi RaspberryPi Raspberry Pi Pico RaspberryPiPico MicroPython


My name is Salvatore and I am a Development Engineer at 株式会社Rist.

  • Robotics team, responsible for Robotics R&D.
  • Robot design, control, motion, perception and manipulation.
  • Image analysis, recognition and classification.
  • AI algorithms design and implementation.
  • UI/UX design and implementation.

About this article

This article aims to give a quick introduction to the Raspberry Pi Pico, through simple step-by-step instructions to its setup and providing some code examples in MicroPython.

※ No soldering nor external components are required to follow this tutorial~

What is the Raspberry Pi Pico

The Raspberry Pi Pico is a microcontroller able to acquire various inputs and provide outputs through a series of GPIO pins, similar to a Raspberry Pi computer [1][2].
Microcontrollers are most suitable for embedded applications or any other situations in which the use of a full computer running an Operating System would be considered not necessary.

Environment Setup


User group

In order to have read/write permission to the serial port created upon connecting the Pico, the current user must belong to the dialout group.
Verify the current groups the user belongs to with:

$ groups

If the user does not belong to the dialout group, add it as follows:

# usermod -a -G dialout $USER

To make the changes effective, relog the current user to the system.

※ A reboot might be needed after performing the operation, in the case which a simple relog would not be sufficient.

Thonny and MicroPython

Proceed with the installation of the Thonny Python IDE [3]:
As of writing this article, the easiest way to get the most updated version of the IDE on a variety of linux distributions is through pip.

$ pip install thonny

※ For more information and other platforms support, visit thonny.org.

Once installed, the Thonny IDE would look similar to:

In order to control the Pico, it is necessary to switch the Python interpreter to MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico).

Click on the bottom right corner to switch the interpreter:
Python 3.7.9 > Configure interpreter...
Then select MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico) from the combo box list.

Or alternatively, from the Thonny menu, select:
Run > Select interpreter... > Interpreter > MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)

Connecting the Pico to the PC

As the Pico comes out of the box, it needs to be initialised by installing the MicroPython firmware.
This can be done easily from the Thonny IDE itself.

To connect the Pico to the computer:

  1. Press and hold the BOOTSEL button on the Pico
  2. Connect the Pico to the computer via micro USB
  3. Release the BOOTSEL button

The Pico is now connected as a USB mass storage device.

MicroPython firmware installation

By clicking the Stop/Restart button on the Thonny toolbar, the IDE will connect to the Pico and it will prompt for the MicroPython firmware installation.

Proceed with the installation.

At this point, the environment setup is complete.


As mentioned in the introduction, for this tutorial no external component are required.
The provided sample code will make use of the on-board power LED (GPIO 25) and the embedded temperature sensor.

LED test

Let's skip the basic LED on/off/blink tests and try the PWM controlled brightness test instead.

Create a new file and paste the following code [1]:

from machine import Pin, PWM
from time import sleep

pwm = PWM(Pin(25))

while True:
    for duty in range(1024, 65025, 2):
    for duty in range(65025, 1024, -4):

By running this code, the on-board LED will pulse smoothly according to the values specified in the ranges of the duty cycles and the sleep intervals.

※ The value 65025 corresponds to the LED maximum brightness.

Temperature test

For the temperature test, use the following code [4]:

import machine
from time import sleep

sensor_temp = machine.ADC(4)
conversion_factor = 3.3 / 65535

while True:
    reading = sensor_temp.read_u16() * conversion_factor
    temperature = 27 - (reading-0.706)/0.001721

The temperature measured by the sensor will be printed in the Shell standard output every 2 seconds.

Putting it together

The following code will make the on-board LED pulse with variable speed.

from machine import Pin, PWM
from time import sleep

sensor_temp = machine.ADC(4)
conversion_factor = 3.3 / 65535

pwm = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(25))

while True:
    reading = sensor_temp.read_u16() * conversion_factor

    temperature = 27 - (reading-0.706)/0.001721

    if temperature < 19:  # Lower threshold
        steps = 16
    elif temperature > 23:  # Higher threshold
        steps = 64
        steps = temperature

    for duty in range(0, 65025, int(steps**2)):
    for duty in range(65025, 0, -int(steps**3)):

The LED will blink in three different ways, depending on the ambient temperature measured by the on-board sensor:

  • Temperature below the lower threshold:
    • The LED pulses at a slow pace
  • Temperature within the thresholds interval:
    • The LED pulses at a pace proportional to the temperature
  • Temperature above the upper threshold:
    • The LED pulses at a fast pace

Adjust the Lower and Higher thresholds to best suit the local environment temperature.

Stand-alone operation

It is time to store the program in the Pico.

File > Save as...
And select Raspberry Pi Pico from the following dialog window:

In order to make the code run upon power up, the file must be named main.py.

※ Safe operating voltages are between 1.8V and 5.5V.


Recently, various boards are taking advantage of the RP2040 chip to provide custom solutions. One of them is the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040, currently available through a Free Shipping campain in 221 countries and counting.
More on this and other tiny boards soon! Please check it out if you like.


[G] https://github.com/slabua/RaspberryPiPico
[Q] https://qiita.com/slabua/items/ed0a49cd587d0c8103b8
[1] https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/pico/getting-started/
[2] https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-the-pico
[3] https://hsmag.cc/picobook
[4] https://tkrel.com/14899